I'm back. I wouldn't say 'swingin'' but I'm getting there. I just sat down to an Americano, should be a productive day. Sometimes you have to force things. I still exclaim that "I don't drink coffee." Mostly because I dread being asked to coffee at Starbucks. And, because I only drink coffee on the weekends. It's a treat. It's like a long distance relationship. That week of deprivation makes that Saturday sip feel like the first time, every time. In addition to those excuses, I dig the coffee shop atmosphere. It adds to that cup and I can't waste hours on a weekday. I'm a workin' gal. Well, with the exception of holidays.
My fourth of July weekend has been a lazy one. I had pretty big offers, real small offers (Orlando, Universal Studios/Carnegie, Oklahoma) but I opted for the in-between. Norman, Oklahoma Independent, Independence Day. Bike rides, dancing my ass off and closing down MY bar. Some boy, kisses under the moonlight (there were fireworks. HA) and then silence. Nothing like it! I'm smiling,Captain (wink). In the end, I'm jet set, following MY dreams, no time for boys out of my league. New York? Textile Designer? Tulsa? Graduate School, Professora Zorn? This is cryptic, I'm sorry. It's been a weekend and I'm feeling giddy.
Tea, Teavana. I want to hate it but I love it. It's the used car lot of teas. Watermelon. Mmm I follow traditions, occasionally.
I've declared to follow the sraight line, only on the highway. It's my Independance Day promise. This is a new law of Bill's land.
This is my gal, she's the only baggage I carry. We're rolling stones but this weekend we soaked up Norman. Just the two of us!
The chemist in me was distracted by the caffeine molecule on your cup?!?
Good eye. Indeed, a caffeine molecule. A+