Good morning to yous! A bit early and unusual for me to be posting on Saturday morn. Well, these days I'm an early bird. I think it's the oatmeal with blueberries and honey that sooner wakes the beast. Today is the beginning of the Norman Music Festival. This thing has had quite the hype over the last month. Should be of magnificent proportions. I plan on hitting it up tomorrow when they close down Norman's main street and really get to shakin'. In the meantime, I'm keepin' my skillet good and greasy! I've been hunting a skillet for awhile. I came across an oldie (made in the USA!) yesterday at my folks and they willingly handed it over to me. Some steel wool, elbow grease, away with the rust, and it's time to season! It's an oily Saturday morning over at casa de Bill. According to this site, it will be a week or so before my skillet is ready to be put into commission. I can hardly stand it, I wanted to defy wisdom and throw my fresh, okie eggs into it this morning. I used my better judgment. So while I'm waiting to catch Those Darlins on stage tomorrow evening, I'm also waiting to fry up deliciousness in my skillet! I did make it back out to the OKC Festival of Arts yesterday so there will be photos and an breakdown of the "best."
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