Sunday, December 27, 2009


I've been thinking about the New Year for months. I'm sure your tired of me chalking up a mere day, but it's pretty symbolic, hard to refrain from glancing forward. Don't worry, I make sure to pull all I can out of the present; It's a new personal policy which is why I look forward to a new year. Many new experiences and change waiting in the bull pin. Ok, enough of my soap box, the purpose of this post was to admit one of my problems and attempt to make a clean break.

This evening I was contemplating my resolutions, I went to brush my teeth and as usual, this smacked me in the face: This is my "organized" jewelry collection (at least what I wear day to day). It continues to grow and become discombobulated as time progresses. I really need to get this and many other pieces of my life in order. You think I'm overreacting? Proof that I'm not. This is a serious matter.

The collection has begun to expand into storage compartments. I can't help it. People find out I'm a "costume jewelry whore" and BAM! I'm like a dumping ground for "unwanted but to many memories to throw out", jewelry collections. I feel awful having gobs of 'stuff'.' "Pretties and precious" that I constantly battle. I vow to organize this mess (at the least). I would also like to lighten the load in any way possible. This will be one great chore of 2010, a creative endeavor.

There's a lot to look forward to in upcoming post: a Christmas conclusion, giant New Year's Eve bash, a lovely New Year's day party and a list of resolutions. Until tomorrow...

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