Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bikes 'n Bees

I am now the proud parent of a road bike. Noting like the open road and a multitude of gears at your fingertips! I just wish the weather were nicer.This bike cost nothing. It was a hand-me-down, can't go wrong! It needs some new tubes 'n tires. The paint job is not attractive. I'm already thinking about possible paint schemes. For example: It's meant to resemble a bumble bee but, I'm afraid it also feels a bit like a taxi cab. I can't decide if I like it or not. I guess I could always paint over it if it turns out hideous? It can't get much worse than purple/fuchsia. I do like the bee symbol which would be the head badge. And, it matches my tattoos, very personal. Oh, tattoos! What!?! Did I just say that? I don't have tattoos [insert evil smirk].

So, any input?

1 comment:

  1. i am still voting for purple with yellow zebra stripes...
