Thursday, October 1, 2009


Last night I was able shrink wrap nine pieces. For those of you who have never attempted to purchase shrink wrap you should know it's hard to come by. The local craft stores don't carry it and they have no clue as to where to direct you. Unfortunately, I waited until crunch time to hunt it down so ordering online was too risky. Plus, I had no clue as to what gauge I needed.
My 'knight in shining armor' turned out to be Kika Dressler! I owe her big for offering her supplies and time to help me achieve this feat. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you (insert standing ovation)! Kika is amazing. She was my high school art teacher and deserves credit not only for the favor she bestowed but also her encouragement and support to go for my BFA. Check her out here.

The Show is fast approaching. Hope to see your face!

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