Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ornament Exchange

As if applying to grad school, work, gym, fun, etc. etc aren't enough to keep me busy I just enlisted for an ornament swap.

I know, I know, I'm a scrooge so how does that work? Well, I love swaps. At least I think I do. I've never actually participated before but I've been on the prowl. I've also tried to talk T into hosting one with a social gathering for the exchange finale but she's not too enthusiastic. I'll continue to work on her. Don't tell me my superpower of intimidation is slipping, EEEek. If you're interested I believe the cut off is today. Hop over and sign up! Get involved! Happy crafting!


  1. Yeah I'm not sure if I want in or not. The last swap I attempted totally burned me. Yeah, I don't want to invest hours and hours of my life into a project just so that person can bail on me...not again =(

  2. Sometimes you just have to switch from lemons to apples, they don't burn as bad.
